So I already wrote about my major disappointment on Saturday with my weigh in, but I'm not sure if I mentioned my ride home. See, when I get results I wasn't expecting I tend to go toddler and throw a little 'food tantrum.' My absolute first thought when stepping off that scale was 'well then, I'm either going to go get a huge Chipotle burrito or a Tim Horton's Iced Capp and chocolate chip muffin SO THERE!'
I wasthisclose to pulling into the drive-thru and listen to my inner toddler whining about how its NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR when I realized, this just was not the decision I wanted to make. As much as either of those options sounded at the time (and still do I might add) I did not want to walk down that old familiar path. I, out loud, said to myself that what I needed to do was go home and eat something healthy and nutritious, an orange and cheese or some yogurt and granola, because once that yummy food goes down the hatch I will feel really crappy for being some an idiot and caving like that.
There is a reason I've failed at this in the past, because I am such a terrible food tantrum thrower and I am so glad that I was able to shake myself back to reality and go on with my day. I didn't have to feel guilty or angry, I didn't have negative thoughts that I was going to give up again...I just got over it. So that is my new plan, whenever I have a back week on the scale, or a good week that wasn't as good as I had hoped, I'm going to look myself in the mirror and shout, OH JUST GET OVER IT!
It's one meal or one day or one week, one weigh in, one slip of will power, one little point past your weekly extras, one portion of a pound. I'm human, I do and will continue to make mistakes. I wouldn't learn anything if it was easy. This is an everyday of my life struggle that if I work it right, won't have to be so much of a struggle.
So the next time my inner toddler throws herself on the floor wanting a cookie, I'm just going to put her in time out and say, 'get over it.'
I love this!!!! What a great way to put it! I bet we ALL have food tantrums!